Our News

LIFT Presents:
Process Cinema Workshop

with Phill Hoffman and Eva Kolce


Saturday, September 19 & Sunday, September 20,
10:00am –  6:00pm
Price members / students $65.00
General $85.00
(Cost includes chemistry and film)

*Enrollment is limited to 8*

For over 20 years Philip Hoffman has been developing a methodology for process cinema and handmade filmmaking through the Independent Imaging Retreat (film farm), a film residency for artists in Mount Forest, Ontario. Bringing the workshop to North Bay, participants will experiment with the medium of film and learn to shoot on 16mm with the Bolex camera and hand process the images. Tinting and toning to create vibrant colors, solarization, contact printing, and other film manipulation techniques will also be covered. Filmmaker and artist Eva Kolcze will co-facilitate the workshop and share film decay techniques.

Process Cinema explores a creative tradition in alternative filmmaking that is improvisational and interactive. Through this process-driven methodology, the screenplay as governing document is replaced by a fluid integration of writing, shooting and editing, not necessarily in that order.This way of working ‘through’ process has a comparative body of work in music, through jazz, in art, through ‘action painting’, in the performative aspects of the sketchbook or through ‘spontaneous prose’ in beat poetry.

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