Our News

Dave Carlin in
Profiles, 2012
The White Water Gallery has recently launched a new exhibition that is designed to encourage the development of emerging curators and the promotion of artists from our region of Ontario working within contemporary and innovative fields. Profiles, featuring five local artists curated by five local emerging curators, creates a dynamic space in which the audience walks through five micro-exhibitions all housed within one room. The contrast between art forms, intentions and presentation methods creates an overwhelming sense of intrigue while giving the audience a glimpse into what artists are doing in our area. This is the first exhibition of this kind for the White Water Gallery, but they hope to make it an annual event which will continue to offer experiences for emerging curators and a professional venue for local artists. Profiles will be running until July 14th, 2012
Featured in Profiles, is the newest and currently untitled video and sculpture installation by local video artist, Dave Carlin, designed to explore a collage of time and space. Canadian artist David Carlin was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada but has lived in the Nipissing District of Northern Ontario for almost 50 years.
He maintains a studio in the city of North Bay on the north shore of Lake Nipissing, which is part of an ancient and historically important North American water route. It is an inspirational place of myths, islands, northern winds and sun-danced waves, a place that sits under countless stars and the ancestral dancing of northern lights.
Between 1963 and 1967, Carlin studied human anatomy at the University of Toronto; Buddhism and Calligraphy under the Japanese master, Kazuaki Tanahashi and graduated, with honours, from the Ontario College of Art, Drawing and Painting Department. From 1967 to 1968 he studied murals in Cuernavaca, Mexico.
Carlin has exhibited in over 100 exhibitions. His work is included in many collections including the Archives of the Government of Ontario, Canada; The Archives of the Taller Experimental de Grafica in Havana, Cuba; the Jardín Botánico Nacional, Havana, Cuba and several Ontario Public Galleries including the MacLaren Art Centre, Barrie, Ontario, Canada.
Click here for a full curatorial essay on Dave’s work, showing now at the White Water Gallery until July 14th.