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N2M2L Presents:
Deep Dark: Crossing at Ice Follies 2016
N2M2L is excited to announce our 2016 presentation at the 6th installment of Ice Follies Biennial as Deep Dark: Crossing by Caitlind r.c. Brown & Wayne Garrett.
The Deep Dark is a series of site-specific light installations intended to illuminate the interspaces between our sacred (and natural) environments and cultural constructs of darkness. Meditative, iconic, and evocative, Crossing will invite each viewer to participate in a 1500 ft solo night hike across the frozen lake, alone in communion with the water, voices in the ice, and their own thoughts. As viewers pass through the nighttime gates, the brightness of the passage will temporarily overwhelm their vision, night-blinding them. The installation imposes artificial light into the wild darkness, emphasizing the deep dark of the surrounding landscape – light by which the darkness grows darker and disillusions the night.
Caitlind r.c. Brown & Wayne Garrett (Calgary, Canada) work with diverse mediums and materials, ranging from artificial light to re-appropriated architectural debris. Their practice combines divergent aesthetic and industrial backgrounds, often resulting in transformative public sculptures and installations. Beckoning viewers with interactive contexts and novel materials, their projects invite strangers to share in experiential moments, prompting collaborative viewership. Using mass-produced objects as a reference to cities as an immeasurable mass of materials, people, and situations, Brown & Garrett’s practice evokes the possibility of renewed understanding through a critical shift in perspective.
Previous works have appeared at festivals, galleries, and museums internationally, including: Garage Museum of Contemporary Art (Moscow, Russia), Pera Museum (Istanbul, Turkey), Whanki Museum (Seoul, South Korea), Illingworth Kerr Gallery (Calgary, Canada), I Light Marina Bay (Singapore), GLOW Forum of Light + Architecture (Eindhoven, Netherlands), and elsewhere. Their sculpture, CLOUD, was short-listed for an Innovation by Design Award in 2013 by Fast Company (NYC).