Our News
North Bay Filmmaker Needs Your Support
Our NewsNorth Bay FilmmakerNeeds Your SupportNorth Bay native and filmmaker Jake Chirico is hoping...
N2M2L Summer Camps for Youth
Our NewsN2M2L AnnouncesSummer Camps For YouthN2M2L announces our summer camp programming for 2012....
Events in North Bay this Weekend
Our NewsEvents in North BayThis WeekendN2M2L announces two exciting events happening this weekend...
Doc North 2012 Dates Announced
Our NewsDoc North 2012Dates AnnouncedN2M2L is excited to announce Doc North Film Festival...
The Near North Mobile Media Lab Announces New Equipment
Our NewsN2M2L Announces New EquipmentThe Near North Mobile Media Lab is happy to announce they...
Apply now for NSI Totally Television, deadline May 1, 2012
Our NewsApply now for NSI Totally TelevisionDeadline May 1, 2012The National Screen Institute –...
ImagineNATIVE Film Festival Northern Tour Returns
Our NewsImagineNATIVE Film Festival Northern Tour ReturnsThe 8th annual imagineNATIVE Film + Video...
ICE FOLLIES 2012: Anaamimikom
Our NewsICE FOLLIES 2012:AnaamimikomIce Follies 2012: Installations, community engaged workshops...
N2M2L hosts March Break Animation Workshops for kids in Temiskaming Shores
Our NewsN2M2L hosts March Break Animation Workshops for kids in Temiskaming ShoresN2M2L is on the...