Chelsea Reid
Dates: November 7th, 2019
Chelsea Reid (@seaxchel) AKA. ImaginaryAstronaut (@ImaginaryAstronaut) is an artist, author, curator, and videographer from Northern Ontario. She is a member of Atikameksheng Anishnawbek and her work highlights the fractal geometry of nature, photography/film history, and mass communication. Chelsea’s research is centered around digital networking, Indigenous arts and culture organizations.
She has worked at the Near North Mobile Media Lab in North Bay as a Project Coordinator, working to develop a series of week-long virtual reality film workshops across Northern Ontario and Arctic communities that took place in the Spring and Summer of 2019.
Chelsea is currently the Program Coordinator of Creative Ace, a collaborative youth-led arts-based civic engagement project that involves working with lived-experience students and our community partners to make great arts related projects and events happen. Creative Ace is working in partnership with Laidlaw Foundation, N2M2L, White Water Gallery and North Bay Potters Guild. You can find more documentation from this project on the (Creative Ace Instagram).
Chelsea used the takeover to share some of her work, highlight some upcoming workshops she is hosting in collaboration with local organizations, and media content for projects that she has been a part of this past year.
She also shared some of her favourite film/tv recommendations and introduced us to some of her favourite mixed media cinema as well as some life altering films she has consumed over the course of her very short existence in the cinematic badlands that is the internet we know and love.