Trudy Erin Elmore
Dates: June 27th, 2019
Trudy Erin Elmore (@tru_dee) is a Canadian digital artist and animator living Toronto, Ontario. Trudy’s practice is based in animation, installation, and print, her work explores issues of mortality, technological evolution, and our new way of seeing –mediated almost entirely by electronic screens.
Trudy is interested in how the new way of seeing affects our sensory perceptions, our sense of time and space, as well as our desire to find meaning in raw experience. Trudy probes the collective anxieties of our contemporary culture that stem from guilt over individual and shared complicity in the unprecedented extinction of countless species and the ongoing distress of Earth. She explores the solace and diversion we seek amidst environmental catastrophes through technology-mediated social connection, interaction, and spirituality.
Trudy completed her undergraduate degree at OCADU in the specialization Digital Painting and Expanded Animation (DPXA). Trudy graduated with honours as Valedictorian and received the Governor General Award for academic achievements in 2016. She won the DPXA Capstone/Thesis Award and then later in the year Equitable Bank’s Emerging Digital Artist Award (2016). Her thesis and 1st ever CG animation, ‘Stranded Assets’ screened at Harvard University (2017), and in 2018 she gave a talk at Harvard on the genesis of hybrid digital art. Trudy’s second CG animation ‘Algorithms’ was commissioned by the AGO for their ‘Massive’ event (2017), it was then translated into a VR experience for the V/Art app (2018) and was shown last year in Madrid (2019) during Artcore at the Hybrid Art Fair.
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